Truth Seekers' Assemblies and Ministries

“Seek ye first the kingdom of Almighty Yahweh, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” 

-  Matthew 6:33

“Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of Yahweh Almighty”

-  Matthew 4:4

The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord and the Good News about the Kingdom

By: Segundina T Valenzona

“The Command to Write A very Important Letter”

“The Lord’s Plans for My Life”

Published  Books

Textbook In Biblical Studies  

Beyond the Glorious Voice 

Thy Kingdom Come In Earth 

The Promise of Eternal Life 

The Wisdom of God  

The Covenant of Peace 

Visions: More Witness for Christ

All About Love, Faith and Hope

My “Sendong” Story 


Precious and Everlasting Gems 

God’s Love Letters My Praise and Prayers

Nuggets of Truth Literature (Special Edition)

Truth Seekers

Nuggets of Truth 

Truth Seekers' Magazine

Truth Seekers Hymns 

Truth Seekers' Inspirational Songs 

Truth Seekers’ Club

Truth Seekers' Club's Activities