The Command to Write: “Tell My People of the Destruction that is coming upon the World

Part I
The Command To Write
A Very Important Letter

From : Segundina T. Valenzona
Salud A. Ramos Lane
Sunshine Village, Tibasak, Macasandig
9000 Cagayan de Oro City

To: All My Fellow Countrymen in the Philippines and All The Brethren Around The World

May, 2009

Dear Brethren,

Greetings of Peace & Joy to all!
May the love, mercy, and wonderful blessings of God our Father & Savior be upon us all always.
Brethren, truly, I did not wish to write to you but because I love and honor our Father & Savior, and because I love you with the love that comes from our loving and merciful Father, I gladly and prayerfully write this letter to you.

I know very well my brethren that most of you who will read this letter are great men and women in your respective places and positions, but I humbly solicit your favor to give me the honor and the privilege (as God’s servant) to write to you, and please listen to what I say.

It is my earnest prayer my brethren that as you read this letter, our Father & Savior through the Holy Spirit will comfort you and bless you with peace and understanding of the truth that our Father & Savior revealed to us for our salvation and eternal life. Brethren, the truth is, our Father in heaven is not willing that any one of us would perish but that all of us will be saved from the Disaster and Destruction that is coming upon the world, and will live with Him in perfect peace and joy forever and ever. The Loving and merciful God whose mercy is beyond human understanding has purposely chosen us for salvation, abundant and eternal life with Him. Above all, brethren, in our union with the Lord Yahshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) through faith, God our Father in heaven has also chosen us His instrument for the salvation/redemption of the whole world which has been groaning in pain because of sin. HalleluYah!

Praise God! On the eve of December 14, 2008, the LORD woke me up and said to me: “Publish the Reverend not yet published.” The Holy Spirit who is the Teacher of truth gave me the understanding that the ‘Reverend’ are the visions and revelations the LORD has given to me. After this, brethren, I took time to pray, wait, and listen to the LORD for confirmation until at last the confirmation came to me.

On May 12, 2009, the LORD spoke to me saying: “Terrible things will happen upon the earth.” Comfort my people; comfort the sad and lonely. Strengthen the weak from the north to the south.” HalleluYah!

In the afternoon of May 13, 2009, while I had my nap, the LORD spoke and said to me: “Write. Copy your notebook. Tell the people of My Plans for your life.”

At night of the same day – May 13, 2009, the LORD woke me up and said to me: “Tell the people of the Destruction that is coming upon the world.”

On the eve of May 18, 2009, the LORD declared: “This letter remains the smallest part of the Holy Bible.” HalleluYah!
“The Killing of people all over the world will begin.”
“Three Million people will be killed in an instance.”

My dear brethren, long ago, it has been prophesied already by the holy prophets and by Yahshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) Himself that terrible destruction will come upon this world before the Father’s Kingdom would be established on earth. So, obviously, what the Lord revealed to me now is evidently a loving but serious reminder to all of us. A reminder for us His people to be prepared and ready on that Day. For, what was predicted long ago is now right at our doors. In a matter of time it will suddenly come. “When people say, ‘there is peace’ or ‘everything is quiet and safe’ suddenly destruction will come as a thief comes at night” as the scripture says.