The Lord’s Plans for My Life

Part II

The Lord’s Plan for My Life
Revealed Through Visions & Revelations

Praise the Sovereign Lord for the wonderful Visions and Revelations. HalleluYah!

Brethren, it is my earnest prayer that as you read these divine revelations, you will be filled with heavenly wisdom, knowledge, understanding, peace, and joy. It is also my hope that we would all rejoice and give thanks for the marvelous things the great and mighty Lord has prepared for us, His beloved people.

The Lord’s Plans For My Life
Revealed Through Visions & Revelations

1. November 18, 1982
On the eve of November 18, 1982, after our family’s evening praise & prayer, each of us settled in his room to go to sleep. But, before we all have gone to sleep something great and wonderful happened!

While Daddy (my husband) and I were on our bed quietly meditating in a dark room, amazingly, I saw a wonderful vision. I was awake but my eyes were close when I saw a strong, healthy-looking man, around sixty years old, appeared to me. His countenance showed that he was not a Filipino, he was a foreigner. I opened my eyes to communicate with him but he seemed to disappear every time I opened my eyes. I did open and close my eyes three times until at last I said, Father God, I am not sure who he is that I see. Whether he is You or Your holy angel, I do not know. But whoever he is, Father, I thank you for the vision.

Marvelously, a strong blow of air or wind, as if blown by mouth, was upon my face and simul-taneously, a great and very bright light surrounded me. The brightness was much brighter than the sun but it did not hurt me in any way, instead, it was cool and very comforting. I felt good and very happy! I believe, it was the Lord’s breath upon me.

The light lasted for seconds or a minute and when it disappeared, I asked Daddy if he had seen it but he said, he did not.